Power, privilege, and obverse apprenticeship



Feminist theorists have made valuable efforts to open up new lines of inquiry into the disadvantage suffered by women in philosophy virtue their sex, race, class, dis/ability, and other markers social identity. Within this scholarship there is growing recognition that issue requires modes intervention go deeper than commitments equal opportunity diversity training. This has intensified light mounting evidence mainstream reforms had mixed success, been slow on whole effect meaningful change. inertia can be traced part fact discipline academy more broadly historically evolved serve embodiment white, cis-gendered, heterosexual, middle-class, non-disabled males.1 1 The discussion I present here focuses mainly distinctive issues arising from gender non-parity profession. However, as Crenshaw (1989), Spelman (1988) others so ably demonstrated, not able separated, except analytically, identity like race class. In appealing “obverse apprenticeship” a guiding framework for institutional change, paper recognizes importance apprenticeships cut across various axes privilege oppression (gender, sexuality, on). With Spelman, acknowledge need who occupy positions relative apprentice themselves less privileged communities women. Given limited scope paper, however, am offer full account particular forms different may take academic contexts, nor do justice power dynamics are at play between differently embodied actors As following elaborates, my use “embodiment” context refers how systems unearned advantage profession simply tied biases favor male body, but also body occupies spaces (for instance, broad-ranging sense comfort, entitlement, lack critical self-awareness dominant subjects often evince). notion captures broader relationality kinds bodies (e.g., raced, sexed, disabled/non-disabled, cis-gendered/transgendered bodies) privilege, draws attention structures reflect needs, values, interests some exclusion others. values elite males played foundational role shaping norms practices philosophy, influential determining whose insights concerns perceived salience, authority, credibility. explore weight past manifests present; specifically, sedimentation conservative masculine imaginaries knowledge bases serves breed habits entitlement arrogance among philosophers, well indifference toward powerful bases. These tend deeply entrenched largely unconscious—appearing even with explicit egalitarian commitments. An important question concrete interventions required expose disrupt normative work preserve status quo philosophy. Responding recent investments strategies empowerment mentoring promote diversity, argues principles these far enough (and reinforce) orders. issues, constructive potential incorporate commitment what call principle obverse apprenticeship. embodies positioning those normally apprentices perspectives marginalized actors. arrangement kind seems counterintuitive: being an someone odds having over them. Yet, argues, type inversion represents crucial step working equitable relation members subordinated groups, challenging hierarchies rooted unequal epistemic privilege. Whereas treats apprenticeship individual endeavor, conception primarily seeks extend level policy practice. because Spelman's does pay sufficient privileging knowing its implications virtuous volitional practice evokes virtues curiosity, open-mindedness, humility likely lacking actors, especially contexts where continue embed, normalize, groups. supplement deepen attending nexus institutions, embodiment, power, bearing possibility promise My reflects institutions implement policies position apprentices, which encourage become through engaging them ways challenge (rather consolidate) will idea specifically academy, it prescribes contemporary Western universities broadly. final mobilizing collective commit proposed here, given increasingly corporatized nature universities, vested corporate maintaining quo. analyzing significant obstacles carried through, tentatively propose one consequence university ripening conditions such root. fundamentally activity learning lacks or skill. “Apprentice” derives Latin apprehendere, meaning “to hold of, grasp, mentally physically,” Modern French apprenti—a term used describe novice learns mentor. conjures notions experience know-how mentor models transmits apprentice. extends beyond mere transfer information, abstract knowledge, former latter. It expansive concept process growth interested in.2 2 make clear, thinking about common association trade guild union contexts. becomes experienced tradesperson set period time order acquire relevant professional skills knowledge. To think relations therein, draw invocation white feminist engagements color. notes racism both produce require “real knowledge” oppressors oppressed. Acquiring her view, “requires apprenticeship; making oneself political, social, economic them” (1988, p. 178). For relationship emerge feminists color, must latter, invert racial subordination authority exists read books, classes, your eyes ears whatever instruments awareness you might blessed with, conferences planned produced people whom wish learn manage intrusive, on. [Also] careful books buy, classes take; limits presently prepared see hear; examine own motivations wanting understand others' lives. (pp. 178–179) describes demanding, listening upon develops individual's affective perceptual capacities. apprentice, notes, “must receive information all time, adapt [one's] actions accordingly, feelings develop response person doing, whether like[s] she doing not” (p. 181). On involves continual receptiveness responsiveness experiences. More calls exercise responsible disciplined mode perception they succumb temptation imaginatively turning “into something … poses no difficulties” apprentice's reality forfeits dictate manner interaction unfolds, render amenable personal interests, desires, engage labour seeking out opening voices destabilizing encounters transformation intellectual visceral embodied. exceeds willingness tolerate difference. writes, tolerance little power: let say; needn't listen her, respond any way all. All interfere her” 182). Echoing Lorde's (1984) move silence, passivity, toleration actively engaged from, new, different, potentially discomforting. Moreover, education temporary finite lifelong. Since, “there infinite amount real object person,” 180) refiguration one's standpoint ongoing dialogical enjoy gender, supported “curiosity” “openness learning”—especially openness “what disadvantageous closely guarded privilege” 184). draws, would add, capacity forbearance courage. implied contemporaries: Lugones (2003) Ortega (2006) highlight, subjects—including well-meaning feminists—to away feel home, feels “homely”, worlds unfamiliar, challenging, self. we seen, marks endeavor; places burden exploration change subjects. unlikely prevail individuals who, reliably encounter validations prevailing symbolic Section 3 metaphorical construction reason opposition emotion elevation theorizing scholarly context, situatedness, comprises key “imaginary” (Gatens, 1996) reflected reinforced standards example, visibility accorded scholarship, including curricula research).3 epistemologies compete visibility, legitimacy. consider shaped bases, concomitant developed Dominant appeal directly imagination, (dis)investments tension beliefs commitments, readily available conscious (see ibid.). Unequal uncritical esteem, respect, concern give arrogance, close-mindedness, obtuseness imaginaries, material embed (Medina, 2012. Also Ortega, 2006). imbrication authoritative affective, habitual postures wider assists sustain deep asymmetry unequally situated terms economic, political standing, helps ensure ignorance another reciprocal. reliable acting (culpable) incur costs penalties rewarded. remarks “the end means support above others, discount, however unintentionally, experiences others” 172). Yet elaborate point apprenticeship, remains focused voluntarily apprentices. No insight prescribed apprenticeship––as readers pointed Nedelsky, 1991; Young, 1990). Addressing vital: noted above, structures, interlock inhibit upon. Missing acknowledgment highly conscientious committed recognize accord when “intrusive” arrogant opposed appropriately engaged—especially vices structurally supported. Exploring reformation presented pragmatic strategy structural involve institution identities previously overlook. moderate regime partly realized centre within procedures, represented supplementary initiatives external everyday operations bias trainings). By redistribute patterns value, meaning, salience supports, suggest institutionalized assist reshape attitudes Underlying emphasis harnessing legitimacy enjoyed established existing galvanize (Tzanakou & Pearce, 2019). playing distributing redistributing (including epistemic, power) ties alternative practices. enables function sites encouraging re-imaginings what, valuable, significant, worthwhile, cultivating apprenticeship.4 4 Concentrating vehicle intend detract necessity creating supporting zones pedagogy research to, exert pressure on, structures. 6 proposals reform aim exist alongside of) radical praxis. search speculative truths, axioms sciences, tends wide generalisation, woman's grasp business apply discovered men, place observations lead men discover Woman wit, man genius; woman observes, reasons. (1974 [1762], 350) Fast-forward three years, 1993, just after published first article sexual violence, when, still assistant professor, annual evaluation meeting senior colleagues. They informed me didn't count that, if wanted get tenure, should stop writing rape. nice said, “I'm sure was very therapeutic, now put behind back philosophy”. (Brison, 2017, 4) He stuck his head in, saw computer, surrounded papers said “I don't suppose Professor xxxxxxx (me) he?” looked him “yes, am. Can help you?” nerve act surprised, embarrassed mistake. (Emphasis mine)5 5 See https://beingawomaninphilosophy.wordpress.com/2015/05/09/wheres-the-professor/. Institutional reproduce perceptions excellence warm hospitable climate reinforce shared belonging confidence, strong appropriate, credible, important, worthwhile settings (Ahmed, 2012; Meagher, 2012). (largely unconscious) exercised reproduced, socially supported: networks sociability allegiance concert inhospitable climates overlooking discounting latter's unchallenged. argued makes difficult address grounding behavior imbricated counts proper; philosophy; best placed achieve excellence. Such epistemologies. Framed way, problem intractable warrant altogether. Refusals publish review top journals exclude diverse voices, withdrawals feature homogenous groups presenters, circumventing culture interdisciplinarity. Carving inclusive pedagogy, outside large against) (see, Carlson Walker's, 2018 “free projects” Australasian context), presents subverting resisting dominance. Vital bypass damaging cultures are, resources, capacities, opportunities junior, precarious positions. cases, against ability advance professionally. takes locating avenues philosophy—particularly cannot, least being, afford reject success disincentives compulsory modules addressing discrimination inequality academia, push solving workforce. emerged studies successful workplaces Dobbin Kalev, 2018). space establishment “diversity taskforces,” “Male Champions Change” initiatives, formal programs empowering seniority leadership devise increasing number underrepresented ranks. Whilst forward, shift dysfunctional cultures; particular, guided distinct prove effective latter former. Take, mentors junior female mentees foster bonds concern, trust, friendship disrespectful encouraged At same risk implicitly reinforcing cast beneficiaries talent rather rich sources guidance; masters. Senior known habit fashioning image (Le Doeuff, 1977, 9). consequence, come cost fostering inhabiting being-in further displace already discipline. Not least, relatively intimate, private, sociable debasing vulnerable harassment, susceptible problematic indebtedness (Rich, 1980). taxing contend strategic “default skepticism” (Berenstain, 2016) benefit (knowingly unknowingly) invested preserving, Implicit expectations civility gratitude imposed mentorship academy—programs commonly unpaid sustained largesse mentors—also coercing silence fatiguing upsetting. risks vulnerabilities mitigated paired similar location.6 Female necessarily immune influence imaginaries. complex reasons self-advancement), strongly identify traditional approaches academy. then (wittingly unwittingly) mentees. Rich (1980) Welch (2011) discussion. profession—especially color—already overburdened equity work, thanks underrepresentation departments (Antony, Of champions” engendering diminished vigilance respect spectrum behavior. ‘champion’ succeeds boosting department, generate self-accomplishment pride lend itself complacency heightened defensiveness aspects conduct. short, worry “comfort foreclose obstruct change” (Applebaum, 863). evocative “male appeals reinforces) along self-pride self-esteem attract. troubling extent developing ethical multiple varied relies, suggests, healthy dose humility, learning, self-discipline, reflective self-critique. continuous reflection tarry uncertainty discomfort; urge retreat thoughts, convictions, self-consolations engender undermine self-vigilance, complacency, receptive critique. Occupying subject self-critical dispositions harnessed encouraged) empowerment. hand, bound blind spots limitations competencies strengths. facilitated exposing challenges. 3, philosophers Inhabiting encourages (more acutely) aware specificity contingency perspective, gaps embedded understanding. contrast, borrow language, “pose “present reality.” regimes surveillance accountability comes closer self-vigilance mobilization discomforting affects fear, anticipatory shame, embarrassment). higher Athena SWAN organizations accountable advancing goals equity, informally, grassroots “Gendered Conference Campaign,” dedicated calling all-male conference programs. forceful women's participation disciplines, entail “basic lip service” “new order” (Braithwaite, 1998,p. 110). Without attempts invest greater value agency bring awa

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Social Philosophy

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1467-9833', '0047-2786']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/josp.12457